Amparo Clinics in Kenya

25 Jahre solaris FZU from Johann Angermann on Vimeo.
Wir freuen uns, dieses Jahr die Videoproduktion zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum der Solaris FZU in Chemnitz übernehmen zu dürfen! Als gemeinnützige Organisation wirkt solaris FZU national und international auf den Gebieten Bildung, Kultur, Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Soziale Arbeit, Integration, Umweltschutz sowie Forschung. Mehr Infos und die Videos findet ihr hier
It was my great pleasure to be back in India after a few years to help kick off our new major survey project in Maharashtra. We’re documenting the whole process and producing a short web series about our experience and findings on the #FieldTrip …check it out 😉
Non- Water Sanitation e.V.
Agora MOVE is Agora’s platform dedicated to the study, practice and production of dance and performance art in Berlin. It intends to fulfill the demand of a dance house in the district of Neukölln, offering the neighborhood and it’s dance community a place to research, exercise and create body related and choreographic practices. Glad that I got the opportunity to help them with this video – SUPPORT! #Makeamove
Sometimes, pictures say more than a thousand words. Like this first video episode about how the journey of the Kitchen on the Run started in Berlin.
Our filmteam consisting of Mattes Niepenberg, Benjamin Glitschka, Katharina Heim and me will follow the container along the way. Stay tuned!
Eine wunderschöne Crowdfunding-Kampagne, die ich mitbetreuen darf:#Kitchenontherun – diese sympahtischen Menschen wollen mit einem Container Koch-Events für Geflüchtete und Einheimische in ganz Europa umsetzen – geile Idee! – auf jedenfall unterstützenswert!
Thanks again to #GetEngaged for hosting your last edition on our#Charitree Event in YAAM Berlin and for giving our guests a plattform to spread their WORD!!!
I am part of a group that is working to build a platform that showcases various projects in Berlin that provide innovative and sustainable solutions to help intergrate refugees in our society.Therefore we are going to host an event @ YAAM with different brilliant initiatives and projects that addresses the issues of refugees. Visitors will get the chance to get to know the work of these initiatives in an interactive way. There will be table soccer, yummie food, art and way more stuff!We are proud to host Get Engaged – a format for social innovators&makers – that will interview all of the projects live on stage!
For further details please check our website: www.charitree-berlin.jimdo